Welcome to NoService.org…

We’re working to keep the wildest and remotest corners of the planet free of the incursion of wireless technologies. Join us in protecting our ultimate wild places from the ultimate technological taming. Together we can keep the wilderness wild.

What We Do

We work to keep cellular signals out of wilderness areas so that everyone can have somewhere to truly get away from it all. Wilderness is sacred, and allowing cellular signals into it is a desecration of our last bastion of disconnectedness.

President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wilderness Act into law in 1964 to preserve the wild qualities of 5,000+ acre parcels of federal land that are untrammeled by human development, provide opportunities for unconfined recreation, and have educational, scientific or historical value. Wilderness parcels are to remain free of not only mechanized vehicles but also industrial infrastructure and machinery as well as commercial ventures of any kind.

Cellular signals — even though you can’t see them, feel them or hear them — are both commercial ventures and industrial infrastructure. We think they have no place in the 2% of the land base of the Lower 48 now federally designated as wilderness — as well as in other wild and natural areas across the country and around the globe.

Furthermore, we need to keep cellular signals out of wilderness areas for our own sanity. The existence of true wilderness, whether we go there or not, is a tonic for our everyday lives now dominated by screens and endless access to information. Hardly any kids go play outside anymore let alone explore the natural intricacies of their immediate neighborhoods given the siren song of online gaming, YouTube videos and social media.

Adults are likewise screen-addled these days; we can’t tear ourselves from the dopamine-generating din(g) of incoming messages and notifications that cellular service delivers on a minute-by-minute basis to our devices.

Wilderness just isn’t wilderness with a screen in your face or a phone buzzing in your pocket.

How We Do It

As a nimble, volunteer-based non-profit we are experimenting with different methods to achieve our objectives. Initial efforts include:

  • Launching an advocacy campaign to educate the public as well as elected officials and other decision-makers about keeping wilderness free of cellular incursions.
  • Creating an online advertising campaign to draw more attention to our cause and solicit volunteers, donations and other support.
  • Certifying parks, campgrounds, lodging and other vendors as “NoService Certified” to give travelers looking to “get away from it all” help in trip planning.
  • Creating and publishing “No Service Maps” showing where to find “No Service” areas across the U.S. (and eventually around the world) — available free to supporters to use in planning, or at least dreaming about, off-grid getaways.
  • Initiating discussions with major cellular providers about working in concert with us to keep their towers far from existing wilderness areas.

How You Can Help

NoService.org is a campaign of EarthTalk, a 501(c)3 non-profit based in Washington State. Your donations are not only welcome but also tax-deductible. Thanks for your support.


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Donation Total: $25.00

Sign Our Petition

We are petitioning elected officials across the United States at the local, regional, state and federal levels, to seriously consider a moratorium on expanding cellular coverage into wilderness and other remote and wild lands across the country. If you love wilderness or even just the wilderness ethic, please sign our Change.org petition.